Academics Aren’t Everything (Jayden’s 2nd ACT Score)

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The First ACT

Jayden first took the ACT in October 2022. He had just turned thirteen the month before. This was actually the earliest I could sign him up for the ACT. I would have had him take the ACT earlier if that had been an option.

Several weeks after the test, Jayden and the rest of our family sat down to take a look at his scores. We made a video about it here.

He ended up scoring a 32. This was a great first score, and I’m very proud of him.

More than Academics

But I also knew that Jayden felt quite proud of himself, and one of the last things I want for my son is an inflated ego.  

I knew that Jayden was already advanced in his academics as an 8th grader. Some parents might have seen this as an opportunity for him to excel even more in high school by taking AP courses and even college-level courses, to play to his strengths, so to speak. They might have put him in academic competitions, summer camps, internships, and so on, with the goal of getting him into the IVY League. 

To deny him this opportunity would be unfair and perhaps even unloving, some might say, for who knows whether he might become a great scientist who invents the next life-saving drug or finds the solution for what people are saying is an imminent climate catastrophe, or helps to develop our ability to explore space and even to live on other planets currently uninhabitable.

I exaggerate, I know. But at the very least, I may be denying him an opportunity to climb the ranks, to make something of himself, to secure for himself a prominent place in society, financially cemented and respected among his peers.

But I know my son, and I love him. It isn’t unloving to keep him from developing his interests if those interests become his idol. What is unloving is to encourage worldly accomplishment and acclaim without first dealing with the pride growing inside of him, the very thing that’ll be his ruin.

What was most important for me was to see Jayden growing in his love for Jesus Christ, learning obedience and faith, and walking worthily in his speech and conduct. His character was and still is very important to me.

So we took a very purposeful break away from the ACT (and most academics, quite frankly) and put our energy into building real-world skills that would serve our family.

For the next year, we kept ourselves busy with building things for our homestead (e.g. a chicken coop and run, raised garden beds, an outdoor sink, pavers in our backyard, a compost bin, and a fire pit, among other things), and managing our short-term rental property. Needless to say, Jayden and I spent a lot of time together, both of us learning new skills along the way.

Not only that, we’ve grown much closer as father and son. I have cherished these times I know I’ll never get back. I’m pouring into him everything I want him to know: to be responsible, to do the hard things, to be humble, and to seek to serve others, all for the glory of God.

The Second ACT

A year later, I registered Jayden for the December 2023 ACT exam because as a homeschooler, he needs to submit standardized test scores to the state every school year. About a month before test day, I began to give him some practice sections of the test (mainly in Math and Science). He took maybe 5-6 practice Math sections and one full practice test leading up to the test.

This is four months late, but here is a short video of the results of this test. (Note: Jayden edited this video. I’m sure he’d love it if you liked the video.)

As you can see, he improved upon his score. He doesn’t need to take the test again, but since a standardized test score is required each year, he may take it again, or we may consider the SAT or CLT, or some other test.

Part of that is his innate mental quickness, and part of it is the strategies and tactics I’ve taught him. 

As I’ve said in other articles, if your child is planning to attend college and knows why he or she is doing so and needs high ACT scores for scholarships, I’d really like to help.

I’m offering a 6-Week Prep Course for the June 2024 ACT. The sessions begin on Tuesday, April 30 at 6pm EST. For more information or to register, click here.

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